Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

              To be able to live out any fantasy you wanted is something that Virtual Reality have made it possible for all. Most people are busy with real life stuff to the point that they don't even have time for themselves. This is where VR come in, just like the internet opens the door of information around the world VR opens the door of possibility. You want to visit a place but don't have the time VR got you.

              Virtual Worlds is awesome and it let you do anything you wanted unlike reality but what if we can't tell the different? Rules and law had always existed and we have to follow it in order for a better society but in our fantasy world that we created, we can do anything without consequences and what this lead to are those that can't different the two. There are instances that people committed crimes in the real world that they through they can get away with because video games have taught them how which is stupid in a way if those that can't see the different.

              From what I have seen so far in VR there are a lot of neat things around people created beautiful art in a virtual world and I do mean beautiful arts it helps bring creativity to a whole new level.

              Virtual in the future will be so immersive that we can't tell the different between real or not real this is something we should be scared off.


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